Estampe japonaise sans titre par Utagawa Hiroshige
Artiste :Utagawa Hiroshige
Date :1840
Détails :Plus d'informations...
Source :Richard Kruml
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Description :
Tobiuo, flying fish ( probably Prognichthys ) and Ishimochi also called guchi or shiroguchi, white croaker, ( probably Argyrosomus argenatus ). Together with a single lily. From the second series of fish prints published by Yamasho c 1840-2. Poem by Toshigaki Maharu. Very good early edition with extensive mica ( Kruml 17, p 36, Andon 49 ). Extra paper at right edge so no trimming of tail. Fine colour ( oxidation on lily ). Fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga. Status: Sold
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