Estampe japonaise "Spring Night at Ginza (Haru no yoru, Ginza)" par Kasamatsu Shiro
Artiste :Kasamatsu Shiro
Titre :Spring Night at Ginza (Haru no yoru, Ginza)
Date :1934
Détails :Plus d'informations...
Source :Scholten Japanese Art
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Description :
signed Shiro with artist's seal Shiro saku, the title on the upper right margin, Shun no yoru, Ginza, and dated below, Showa kyunen yongatsu (Showa 9 [1934], 4th month), with publisher's Hotei 'E' seal Hanken shoyu fukyo mosha Watanabe Shozaburo (Copyright ownership, reproduction not allowed without permission, Watanabe Shozaburo), ca. 1934