Estampe japonaise "Behind the Standing Screen — 衝立のかげ" par Hishikawa Moronobu

Estampe japonaise "Behind the Standing Screen — 衝立のかげ" par Hishikawa Moronobu, 菱川師宣 (Moronobu Hishikawa (菱川師宣))

Artiste :Hishikawa Moronobu

Titre :Behind the Standing Screen — 衝立のかげ

Date :Not set

Détails :Plus d'informations...

Source :Japanese Art Open Database
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Description :

Moronobu Hishikawa(?-1694) Behind the Standing Screen 作者:菱川師宣(〜元禄7) 画題:衝立のかげ 体裁:大判墨摺絵筆彩〔26.4×35.3cm〕 書架番号:1

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