Estampe japonaise "polyptych print" par Utagawa Toyokuni I

Estampe japonaise "polyptych print" par Utagawa Toyokuni I, 歌川豊国 (Utagawa Toyokuni I (歌川豊国))

Artiste :Utagawa Toyokuni I

Titre :polyptych print

Date :1817

Détails :Plus d'informations...

Source :British Museum
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Description :

Colour woodblock print, oban. The kabuki actor Matsumoto Koshiro V as Akabori Mizuemon, standing by the Oi River, a sign post in front of him, with two swords and a wicker hat; in the play ‘Chuko shobu katana’ performed at the Nakamura-za in the 5th month of 1817.

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