Estampe japonaise "The Twelfth Month (Jûnigatsu), from the series Twelve Months of Popular Customs (Fûzoku jûni kô)" par Katsukawa Shuncho

Estampe japonaise "The Twelfth Month (Jûnigatsu), from the series Twelve Months of Popular Customs (Fûzoku jûni kô)" par Katsukawa Shuncho, 勝川春潮 (Katsukawa Shunchô)

Artiste :Katsukawa Shuncho

Titre :The Twelfth Month (Jûnigatsu), from the series Twelve Months of Popular Customs (Fûzoku jûni kô)

Date :Japanese, Edo period

Détails :Plus d'informations...

Source :Museum of Fine Arts
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