Estampe japonaise "The Eighth Month (Hazuki): Bishamonten, Daikoku, and Chinese Child, from an untitled series of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune in the Twelve Months" par Morino Sôgyoku

Estampe japonaise "The Eighth Month (Hazuki): Bishamonten, Daikoku, and Chinese Child, from an untitled series of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune in the Twelve Months" par Morino Sôgyoku

Artiste :Morino Sôgyoku

Titre :The Eighth Month (Hazuki): Bishamonten, Daikoku, and Chinese Child, from an untitled series of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune in the Twelve Months

Date :Japanese, Edo period

Détails :Plus d'informations...

Source :Museum of Fine Arts
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