Estampe japonaise "The Second Month (Kisaragi), from the series Twelve Months of Genji in the Modern Style (Imayô Genji jûni tsuki no uchi)" par Utagawa Kunisada

Estampe japonaise "The Second Month (Kisaragi), from the series Twelve Months of Genji in the Modern Style (Imayô Genji jûni tsuki no uchi)" par Utagawa Kunisada, 歌川国貞 (Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III))

Artiste :Utagawa Kunisada

Titre :The Second Month (Kisaragi), from the series Twelve Months of Genji in the Modern Style (Imayô Genji jûni tsuki no uchi)

Date :1859

Détails :Plus d'informations...

Source :Museum of Fine Arts
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